Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipi. Suspendisse ultrices hendrerit a vitae vel a sodales. Ac lectus vel risus suscipit sit amet hendrerit a venenatis.
12, Some Streeet, 12550 New York, USA
(+44) 871.075.0336
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About Us

A short story about

Foxman Production
Foxman Productions tells stories.  Your Business, Your Family and everything in-between.  Everyone has a story, and Foxman Productions wants to help you tell it.  Corporate videos (in house or promotional), Special Events (weddings etc) and our Unique “In Your Own Words” personal podcast.  Regardless of the project, Shane and his team of professional camera-people and editors bring an unequalled passion and enthusiasm to every project.

About Shane Foxman

Shane was born and raised in Toronto. After graduating from college, Shane embarked on a 28 year Journalism career that took him across the country. In 1998 he arrived in British Columbia, and quickly decided to make it his permanent home. After spending close to 3 decades in the Television and Radio industry, Shane decided to take his story telling skills and talent and open his own production company.


"It's hard to put into words what Shane and his crew did for me and my family. Knowing that I will be able to share our families' journey and legacy with future generations has given me a sense of contentment and comfort that I didn't anticipate. Shane is fantastic at drawing out stories and memories, some I hadn't thought of in years. My grandchildren may be too young to appreciate it right now, but knowing I will be able to pass our families' story down In My Own Words when they are ready is an incredible gift." - J.Barnett

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